Offers available in Canada and USA
Always finding the latest gifts.
These are OUR Recommendations
We are Amazon Affiliates


about was launched on November 2020. is all about helping everyone solve that same old question of “what gift should we get them?”. It’s not always easy trying to figure what gift to buy someone especially when it’s a last minute gift. Like most of us, we draw a blank when trying to think of a gift, we resort to looking online for last minute gift ideas. We look and look and only come up with dull gift ideas. Until NOW.

We decided to step in and make finding last minute gift ideas easier for everyone. Here you’ll find gifts that were personally bought by us and gifts that we recommend. Just select who you need a gift for and browse our recommended gifts. is also about making it easy to purchase gifts. Most of our recommends gift ideas have a direct link to (Canada) and (USA) where you can buy the gift right away.

As an Affiliate with Amazon you can help support us by using the links on our website and purchasing our recommended last minute gift idea products from our links. We’ll continue to look for great gift ideas and post our personally bought gifts that we recommend. Thank you for visiting our website and supporting us.